Water for People, Water by People

"Water is the driving force of all nature". That was the sayings quoted from Leonardo da Vinci,an italian polymath who was a well-known person for his intelligence. Water comprises two third of composition in human body.Without this majestic creation by God, human and all the content in the nature would left dehydrated and eventually die.Humans are part of the nature. It has been billion of years nature has contributed an astronomical goodness to humans and it is kind of bizarre to see how humans nowadays are destructing 'themselves'. All of those catastrophic natural disasters that were and are occurring now that were mainly caused by human itself yet leading to the depletion in water resources. Let us take an example of the depletion of the underground water that mainly occurred at Southwest and High Plain in United States that frowned many American these days. Why would this is being said so? This is because groundwater the source for the hydrology that provides 50 gallons of water per day for the industrial needs as well as the source of drinking water. What makes this happened? Large withdrawals of water and excessive pumping of groundwater have been said to be the major factors of the depletion. Who else that caused these to happen? Five words ; H U M A N.

But unfortunately human just being human; unappreciative . We keep on misusing water in our everyday life.In spite, water for people has been undeniably important deals to support living. What makes water important to humans are just a never-ending story to be told. Water hydrology cycle give interaction between atmosphere,hydrosphere and lithosphere.This interaction then provide human with the process of evaporation , condensation and rain pour when the cloud could not hold more water in it. The rain pour then moisturized the surface of the earth hence providing a continuous humidity to the plants. Without water, marine aquatic would not be able to survive. Without water, plants would never grow. Without water, human will be dehydrated and so do earth. When there is a discontinuous supply of water with no rainfall happen, it will lead to drought. The phenomena of drought will cause many negative impacts whether it is direct or indirect effect. All of the crops owned by a farmer will die and that will certainly be the direct effect whereas a great loss of business profit would also be affected as the grocery shopper failed to sell their products.

Apart from that, water supply for people has become a major contribution to many industries hence leading to the increase in the economics growth among economists. Industries such as wood, metal or even gasoline production use water as raw material, solvent and cooling agent. Gallons of waters is being used everyday in agriculture and car washing company. Without water, the business cannot be done hence no source of income could be generated. Many people would have lost their jobs, unemployed, and keep on living in a pathetic own of themselves. The generation of electricity also required water so that turbine can be generated and producing electrical resources. Based on the europe.eu organization website; 'The evolution of water abstraction for construction and other industrial activities varies between countries. For example, abstractions in Belgium decreased by 85 % in 2009 compared with 2000, while in Bulgaria abstractions increased in this period by 392 %. The Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria recorded the highest abstraction volumes (over 200 million m3)'. This shows that although different countries have different percentage but water consumption has been very important factor in industrial processes to maintain the country development.

Water by people.In contrast with the contribution of water to human, human has been manipulating and misusing water for their own goodness without realizing the consequences of it. Let us take the closest examples in our daily life. Brushing our teeth without closing then tap water , taking shower with massive amount of water been wasted, dish washing with a runny tap water and many more. Squandering of water is not a new issue to be talked about.It happened ever since water industrial processes has occurred for centuries.10000 gallons of water has been wasted per year based on the report published by Environmental Protection Agency.Speaking about the world water wastage, narrowing down to a smaller scope which is Malaysia, based on the Department of Irrigation and Drainage ,'In 2013, the average water consumption per day of Malaysians was 210 litres, while in 2014, the average consumption has risen by 2 liters which means 212 litres or about 141 bottles of 1.5 litres per person daily. Only 30 percent of the water usage is used for actual consumption such as cooking and drinking, while the rest of it is just for utilities like washing cars, washing pools and washing clothes.The consumption is still far beyond the water usage recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) which is 165 liters per day. According to the Malaysian Water Industry Guide 2014, Penang recorded the highest consumption of water per day in 2013 at 296 litres'. Those reports clearly shows how intense the unawareness of humans are but simply use water without thinking the impacts on nature.

Not only water wastage that is being tremendously misused by human, but water polluting is also the main concern to be discussed about. Contamination of water including in the lake, river and mostly in the sea covered 70% of the total volume of water, based on the studies by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Water pollution can be classified into three main categories which are organic, inorganic and radioactive. 142 kmare the area reported by Global Water Forum that was believed to be polluted in Asia.This scenario should be worried much as water pollution can cause illness, scarcity of fresh water and death of marine life. One of the commonest diseases caused by water pollution is cholera. Cholera is the disease occurred at the part of organ called small intestine that is being infected by a bacteria named 'vibrio cholero' . It happened when a person consumed foods or drinks that contain contaminated water and as it passed by our intestine, many symptoms could be felt like diarrhea , vomiting and muscle cramp. We could see how 'domino' this disaster happened. It started from human ourselves and it affecting others from one case to the next cases. This case can be analogies like a mould that spread on the bread; from a tiny spot to enormous spread that affect the whole bread.

Water for people, water by people are completely two different things to be talked about. Since the modernization of water technology created by the Romans which was their well-known aqueduct , water for people has been a great contribution to the humankind. In contrast with that, people are manipulating the usage of water for their own goodness without have a thought of its long-term consequences. In fact, those activities could affect the whole 'kingdom' of nature and we clearly seen our flora and fauna are suffocating with the bad vibes due to the humans' deeds. Thus, we are urged to bring back the authenticity of water like we used to have centuries ago. There is no use to build castle in the air, wanting our water nature to be good yet we still being a potato couch without the awareness to take an action. It takes two to tango and hence it is never too late to start over and conserve our water source and restore back its purity.

Riang Ria Raya together with Lazada

Good day everyone! I bet this is my first entry during Ramadhan since i've been quite busy helping my family for our Raya preparation. All of my family members work from morning till evening and we ain't really got time to shop at physical store.

I'm sure all of you has come across this famous online store that provide numerous products from all over the world. I started to use Lazada since last year. Many home appliances as well as my personal stuffs have been ordered over the past year and I couldn't be more happier as Lazada provide a great service apart from offering the products at the best price.

This year, I took this last minute chance to join Lazada Blogger Contest since it is very interesting and why not joining the heat of merriness of the contest.

What would be my wishlist for my family with the budget of RM500?

My family consists of my daddy,mommy, me and my sister. Definitely RM500 is a big number as you can shop a lot of things from Lazada. Just say what is in your mind and everything is available at Lazada. Amazing ain't ya?

Moving on straight to the task 

Family member                        : Daddy
Wishlist                                    : Sofa
Retail Price                              : RM488
Lazada Riang Ria Raya Sale  : RM148

Wow. A big difference of the value you could see. Well my daddy has been wanting his own sofa for quite some times but he couldn't find the right one since most of the furniture store offer a big sized sofa. With this 1 seater sofa, I hope that my dad will be delighted as he will get his own space and his 'territory' hahaha. Just look at the price!!! Very very affordable and such a super saving deal.

Family member                        : Mommy
Wishlist                                    : Cookware Set
Retail Price                              : RM550
Lazada Riang Ria Raya Sale  : RM257

 Another wow sales by Lazada. Generally, Tefal is a world known France company that offer a great products of home appliances. The new technology of 'non-sticking' of the pan and wok making cooking even easier and faster! My mom will surely love this as the those properties will help to ease her cooking chores. In addition, Raya is around the corner. Having an enough set of cookware is a must especially when you're living in a Malay community. A lot of dishes need to be prepared and this required different type of cookware. Thus, having Tefal Bistro 5-Piece Cookware Set for hari Raya is a total must for every woman.

Family member                        : Me
Wishlist                                    : Decorative mirror
Retail Price                              : RM100
Lazada Riang Ria Raya Sale  : RM39

One of my wish for this upcoming raya is to revamp my room as in the picture . It hasn't been given any touch up ever since I was in secondary school -.- So i thought of having some decorative stuffs from Lazada that could help in refurnish the whole look of my room. If you ever stumbled upon any decor store, they do offer these decorative stuffs but the price is just killing. Since i'm still a student, having a budget yet pretty stuffs for my room are the important aspects to be considered. Thus the price offered by Lazada is just like a Thanksgiving for me. Really cheap and affordable.

Family member                        : Little Sister
Wishlist                                    : Decorative mirror
Retail Price                              : RM149
Lazada Riang Ria Raya Sale  : RM56

 Since my sister is still in school, I personally think that she does need a headphone while studying especially when it comes to critical thinking like Mathematics, having music blast off through ears could definitely help to boost her thinking process. And plus, this offer comes with a free stuff that is Earphone! That would be cool as she could switch to use headphone or earphone anytime based on her preferences.

 I can't speak with words how awesome it is this Riang Raya Sales with Lazada. You should join the crowd and experience it yourself. With discounts up to 92%, Lazada is the online platform to shop this Raya !

 Click below for more super saving deals
