My Days In United Kingdom

Hello to all viewers .  I did not plan to post this but why not i am sharing my moments in UK to all . And for sure ,i'm so excited to write this ! I am super excited because this is my first time ever going holiday to UK . Which is my dream country since i'm 8 

Last winter in December , my family and I went to UK . We went there for 9 days .
Let's start from the Day 1 !

Day 1-On My Way to UK 

I still remember this , i woke up at 5.00 am to go to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport . Our flight will departure at 9.00 am . We took direct flight from KLIA to Heathrow Airport . Checked in at the counter around 6.00 am. It was an early morning for me ,hehehe. 

( An hours before departure - MH 0004) 

Took Malaysia  Airlines which is direct flight for almost 13 Hours .

( My journey has started in the flight ) 

Honestly , i have planned to watch a movie , listening to music ,eating and for sure sleep . For sure , i am excited when it comes to a meal . 

( Breakfast ) 

This my breakfast . It has 2 options which is Nasi Lemak or Scrambled Egg with Sausages . I choose Nasi Lemak since i am so hungry on that time . I gave 8/10 for Nasi Lemak . It has a tasty Nasi Lemak & it cooked well . They also gave me a cup of Apple Juice , yogurt ,plain water ,fruuits and a slice of banana cake. Totally , I am satisfied with the breakfast . 

After finished my breakfast , its time for me to rest or sleep . 
So , this is what i am doing in the flight 

Listening to my fav songs 

I did not expected ,MAS will add Harry Styles playlist songs into their music choices

This is my tea time * i guess* since i got the bread and plain water 

And what i do in the flight was sleeping , eating , listening to music & watching a movie 

After 13 Hours in the flight , arrived in Heathrow Aiport around 17.00  ( UK Time) . 

( London from above ) 

That moment when i was so excited to see a snow out there . 

Once arrived in Heathrow Airport . My family and I took a bus to go to Nottingham . We were guided by my sister who studuying in UK . 
That's my day 1  journey . I will start the Day 2 moments  in the next blog  :)

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